Pulsefire Event Trailer
The Remembrancers have you in their chrono-sights.
The Remembrancers have you in their chrono-sights.
Worldwalker brings a major update to The Path of Champions: New Regions – Noxus & Demacia New Permanent Progression Systems: Legend Levels that power up your whole champion roster Champion Star Levels that grant your champions unique abilities and unlock new legs of their personal […]
Annie and Tibbers play with fire in the latest expansion.
Bard and his meeps are chiming in.
Serve the seas alongside Illaoi, The Kraken Priestess.
Jhin is the first Runeterra champion joining Worldwalker.
There’s so much more to see along the Path of Champions. Play the updated PvE game mode when Worldwalker launches on May 25.
New champions and PvE adventures come to LoR on May 25.
This patch, we’re gearing up for the release of the next expansion and focusing on bug fixes & various quality of life updates. That expansion is launching in patch 3.8.0, coming later this month, and will also include a change to Play / Cast rules […]
We’re about to give you a show to remember. Get ready for the reveal of Legends of Runeterra’s next expansion – Worldwalker. Worldwalker introduces four(!) new champions, including new Runeterran champions with special deck building rules, as well as new keywords, over 65 collectible cards, […]