Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where returning players started their session on The Path of Champions.
- Fixed a visual bug where champion fragment balance sometimes displayed higher than the total earned.
- Fixed an issue where champion powers would display as different rarities in different screens.
- Fixed an issue where The Path of Champions rewards sometimes appeared small on screen.
- Fixed a crash when Jhin’s Lotus Trap was activated at the same time as Manasoul Student’s Magic Embers.
- Fixed a text formatting issue on Bard.
- Fixed an issue where Worldbreaker Maokai’s Sapling was displaying incorrect art.
- Fixed some issues with some cards not advancing properly in the Action Log.
- Changed phrasing on Falling Comet and Crumbling Sands to be able to target all units.
- All Tellstone cards now have a consistent rarity.
- Fixed general animation timing issues.
- Fixed an issue where the Defender icon has inconsistent behavior when the player starts a free attack.
- Units obliterated by Xerath Level 3 now no longer count for Vladimir’s level progression.
- Fixed an issue where Gnar’s level up tracking would pop up at the incorrect time.
- Petricite Stag’s Buff now persists once the supported unit leaves combat after casting Out Of The Way.
- Revived Shark Chariots now revive other Shark Chariots when attacking.
- Snapjaw Swarm now allows the opposing player to block properly.
- Illaoi Level 2 now heals the strongest Tentacle before gaining stats.
- Fixed several UI, UX, templating, and general visual bugs to improve overall game clarity.