This patch, we’re tackling bug fixes & various quality of life improvements. Next patch (3.6.0, April 27) is our Champion Adjustments patch, where we’re making quality of life improvements to a variety of champions who need some attention. Udyr, LeBlanc, and Garen are primary targets for the most significant changes, but we’ll also be looking at a wider variety of underplayed champions on top of them. Keep an eye out for a preview of all of the cards targeted for changes in 3.6.0 in the coming week!
- Updated the visuals for earning & selecting various rewards in The Path of Champions.
Bug Fixes
- Added missing Prismatic versions of Desert Duel, Celestial Wonder, and Rocket Barrage.
- Fixed an issue where The Final Stage board wasn’t playing BGM.
- Fixed an issue where some voice lines weren’t playing when using certain Champion Skins.
- Fixed an issue where some Boards weren’t properly reacting to Nexus damage.
- Fixed an issue with foil effects missing from several cards in the Beyond the Bandlewood set.
- Fixed a crash when canceling the Attach for Yuumi level 2.
- Fixed an occasional crash when attempting to reconnect to the server.
- Fixed an issue where Pantheon level 2 would sometimes get double keywords after being silenced in a previous round.
- Fixed a bug where units with the Predict ability wouldn’t be discounted when recalled with Transposition.
- Fixed a bug where Prank’s SFX and VFX would play simultaneously when hovering over Oracle’s Eye.
- Fixed several UI, UX, templating, and general visual bugs to improve overall game clarity and player experience.