From the icy Freljord, to the seedy shores of Bilgewater, to the peaks of Targon, the vast deserts of Shurima, and everything in between – there’s a lot to see in Runeterra. Now, are you ready to explore what lies… Beyond the Bandlewood? Find your way with the Beyond the Bandlewood event, starting today alongside Legends of Runeterra’s largest expansion yet!
The Beyond the Bandlewood event begins on August 25 at 10AM PT, and runs until September 22 at 10AM PT.
Level up your Event Pass by earning Acorns, which are earned from Quests. Friend Challenge and AI wins still count towards each Quest (unless otherwise noted), but Friend Challenges in Labs will not be counted.
There are two 10-Quest chains that you’ll unlock throughout the event; one unlocked at level 1, and another at level 13. Completing one Quest will unlock the next in a chain; complete them all to earn a forest’s worth of Acorns! Additionally, weekly Epic Quest chains will unlock as the event progresses, giving even more chances at collecting Acorns as well as Tristana, Ziggs, Poppy, and Veigar event icons. The first Epic Quest chain is available today, with new ones arriving every week up to the end of the event. Repeatable quests are also available throughout the event, ensuring you’ll always have a way to earn Acorns.
If you find that time is running short before you can complete the Event Pass, you can use Coins to purchase additional levels.
A Premium Event Pass is available in the Store for 975 Coins. Purchasing the Event Pass will grant access to an upgraded event path with premium rewards, and immediately unlocks the Puffcap Pup guardian. Purchase before September 8 to get an exclusive quest that awards 10 Acorns and a Rare Prismatic Chest!
Get a look at the full list of rewards available in the Beyond the Bandlewood Event Pass below!